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Some of our classic patterns form the borders to these recipe cards which coordinate with matching envelopes in a separate file. These are sized slightly under 4×6 to fit the envelopes.
Some of our classic patterns form the borders to these recipe cards which coordinate with matching envelopes in a separate file. These are sized slightly under 4×6 to fit the envelopes.
Some of our classic patterns form the borders to these recipe cards which coordinate with matching envelopes in a separate file. These are sized slightly under 4×6 to fit the envelopes.
Some of our classic patterns form the borders to these recipe cards which coordinate with matching envelopes in a separate file. These are sized slightly under 4×6 to fit the envelopes.
Some of our classic patterns form the borders to these recipe cards which coordinate with matching envelopes in a separate file. These are sized slightly under 4×6 to fit the envelopes.
Two different lemur illustrations available in two colors with a coordinating illustration for the envelope liners